yep i'm gona post the malacca pictures!
(mojority of them do not contain humans)
ohwell enjoy!
for a change, i took super little photos!
i took like 1000+ photos in beijing
and this time, i only took 67 ?!?!
didn't even take the room but ohwell.
you can read ada's blog if you want photos!
there's alot of interesting photos thr! :D
ohyeabtw, my photos are taken using the "cool" mode, which makes all my pictures all bluish and weird yea. so uhm, don't mind that :D

i only started taking photos after we reached watercity resort -.-
but its pretty right? i mean, the resort looks like a gigantic city on water!

everybody waiting to get off the bus :D

pretty pretty tree branches! (:

i love this picture! ((: it looks similar to another one i took in beijing, only that it was the great wall of china last time ^^

an aeroplane! taken from the window! x]
its that little speck at the top! lol

its that pretty tree again! ((:

the place outside the lobby with the no parking sign ((:

our resort from worm's eye view
LOL. i'm not a worm!

uhm, plants. at the lift lobby.
product of malaysia :D and my camera

its still the lobby -.-
you can tell how bored i was. Right?

mahkota (not sure how to spell) shopping centre! ((:

this time from bird's eye view!
i'm a bird! -.- okay wdvr. haha

the cinema is just above the stairs!
we wanted to watch happyfeet at first but we're short of 1/2 hr =X

me looking stupid.
grah. x[

The Chicken Rice Shop!
the food there is nice!
plus we saw mr.haverman there!
me and chuin chi shared a meal
limying and meixuan shared one too.
and it was super delicious! :D

limying and meixuan :)

yep its me looking really ugly ):
and the pic is really blur. don't know why x[
me and shipei! :D

me and ada! :D
at the lift lobby again lol ^^
credits to ada for this pic, the one on my cam is blur again ):
uhm yah i'm lazy to post more photos.
beijing and vivo ones...another day..poof.
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